a. Plan settings

  • The LIFEfit system is designed around parameters and this makes it a very flexible system. Nothing should be hard coded. If a new functionality is being added, then consider how this can be parameterised; seek assistance if there are any problems.

  • Never hard code agent types or agent commission schedule. Always use the agent details and the standard LIFEfit programs to extract the commission rate.

  • Never hard code PLANS, COMPANY, MD@ for CURRENCY, etc. Without specific instructions.

b. Coverage specific processing

  • LIFEfit operates on a 'coverage' basis. This means that a policy can have more than one plan code. Unless otherwise specified, all processing must reference a coverage number and a plan code.

  • Future event records operate on a coverage basis. This is to ensure maximum flexibility. If a specific process, like the printing of a billing notice, is on a POLICY basis, then the premium due processing will determine what is to be processed, not the future record explicitly. Coverage number is part of the future key.

  • Ensure a field is multi-valued before applying coverage specific processing.