It is the responsibility of all employees to make themselves aware of our Health and Safety Policy. All Employees have a duty of care in respect of the health and safety of not only themselves, but of other employees, customers and members of the public.

You must adhere to the general health and safety rules and procedures.

All accidents no matter how minor, are to be reported without delay. Employees are required to fully co-operate with all subsequent enquiries as to the cause, consequences and future prevention, of accidents.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the Company’s premises.

Alcohol for personal consumption is not allowed on Company premises, and you should refrain from consuming alcohol during working hours, this includes during lunch breaks etc.

Under no circumstances should you present yourself for work whilst under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, drugs or other substances. Any attempt to work whilst in such a condition will be regarded as a serious breach of the rules.


(issued under Health & Safety or Hygiene Regulations)

Where protective clothing or equipment is issued to you, this is done for your protection and must therefore be worn or used at the appropriate times. Failure to wear protective clothing or use safety equipment, will render the individual liable to disciplinary action. Remember that you have a personal responsibility for your own health and safety and that of others and you should ensure that you exercise this responsibility carefully both through your actions and in the maintenance and care of such clothing or equipment.


All managers and employees are bound by the duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This requires that so far as is reasonably practicable, premises, equipment and systems of work are all safe and without risks to health.

For this to be achieved FIT are required to assess the hazards within the work place and make arrangements for minimising the risk to employees. As part of this assessment FIT aim to identify the measures which are needed to comply with the law, then plan, organise, control, monitor and review those measures to ensure health and safety at work for our employees.

The company’s safety policy is an important document and must be read by all employees. Anyone who does not have a copy of this should contact the Staff Department.

You will be receiving initial health and safety training during your induction programme where you will be asked to complete the following forms (click on the links to download the form):
  • Fire Procedure
  • DSE workstation self assessment checklist

FIT undertakes regular risk assessment to consider:

  • Giving instructions and training to employees
  • Avoiding risks
  • Evaluating risks which could be avoided
  • Combating the risks at source
  • Adapting the work to the individual such as work station self assessment to reduce potential risk to health.

Health and Safety Committee:

FIT has a Health and Safety committee that meets monthly to discuss all related issues. If you would like to join this committee or would like further information, please contact the Staff Department.


a. Introduction

You will be allocated a workstation. As part of the Display Screen Equipment regulations 1992 an assessment of each work station and of those employees who use VDU’s as a significant part of their normal work will be carried out.

You should have received the information and guidelines document titled ‘Working with VDU’s’ during induction.

You will also undertake a self-assessment of your workstation to help ensure the chair heights in relation to the desk and distance from the screen are suitable and ergonomically sound.

b. Eye and eyesight tests:

Provision can be made for individuals to undertake an option appropriate eye and eyesight tests before starting display screen work and at regular intervals thereafter.

c. Accident or injury at work:

In accordance with RIDDOR any accident to a member of staff or a member of the public must be reported to the Health and Safety Manager immediately. All such reports must be recorded in the Accident book located in the reception desk of the office in which you are employed.

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